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2021 Autumn Flower Show Report


We were unsure as to whether this show would take place being such a turbulent year with lockdowns, would good produce be grown to the standards of previous years ? would all members be able to take part ? Well all participating members rallied together and staged a display quite equal to past years.


Margaret Ashworth won the Gardener of the Year Cup following husband Richard who won last time, what a good gardening family the Ashwells are. Show entries were on a par with 2019 at about 280 entries with a very good showing in the cut flower and vegetable classes.


Our regular gardeners need more competition, so please join us,  this is a very friendly group of like-minded people willing to offer advice on growing and showing. We know there are aspiring gardeners out there growing good flowers and vegetables, particularly pot plants, so we need you to join in for Spring 2022.


Photo competition – we all have a mobile phone, you no doubt have a gallery of your photos, so you should take the trouble to make a few prints for the photo competition – judged on visitor preference, the three new classes are in the programme coming to you in January 2022.


The Witley Gardening Association represents gardening in the surrounding villages of Wormley, Sandhills, Brook, Hambledon, Bowlhead Green and is affiliated to the RHS, all shows are according to RHS rules. (RHS – Royal Horticulural Society)


The Chichester Hall adjacent to the playing fields provides a natural ‘flower show’ venue for our activities and with the new childrens play area we are lucky indeed to live in such an attractive part of Surrey.


Growing Notes


This is aimed at potential growers who would like to take part in our Spring 2022 show.


  • Earmark a patch of your garden for growing vegetables and flowers.


  • Go to the Guildford compost centre (tel : 01483 472 423) at Worplesdon and buy some of this local compost and put 2” on the surface of your veg and flower bed. The worms will do all the work dragging this compost down into the soil over the winter and thus enrich your soil.



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