Hints for Exhibitors
Read the Rules. In your own interest, you must adhere to the timetable and you should ensure that exhibits comply with the Schedule.
Check that exhibits are placed in the correct Classes with the right number of specimens required for that Class, and Show Entry Cards placed face downwards with each entry.
Flower stems should be held firmly in place with each bloom shown to its best advantage.
Exhibits should be staged as attractively as possible.
In assessing the merits of Flowers, Fruit and Vegetables, condition, size and uniformity are the features normally considered. Flowers and plants should be named, if possible. The naming of an exhibit can be an advantage in close competition.
Vegetables should be properly prepared for exhibition, with roots washed.
Peas should be shown with the 'bloom' left on.
Peas and beans should be shown with stalks.
Beet and Carrots should have their leaves trimmed, leaving no more than 3 inches of stalk.
Onions and Shallots should have their tops cut off and tied down with only the rough outside skin removed.
Fruit should have the stalks left on and is best exhibited on a plate. Apples should be staged with the eye uppermost, stalk end downwards, placing one fruit in the centre and the remainder around it.
Currants should be shown in bunches as grown.
To avoid indentation marks on the base of a cake when being cooled, place a piece of kitchen roll over the wire rack.
Preserves should be clearly labelled with contents and date, and the jars filled to the top. Unbranded jars should be used and closed with a new twist top lid or a clear waxed disc and cellophane top.
Chutney should be 3 months, or more, old and covered with a hard vinegarproof top.
Where dimensions are given for flower arrangements, the arrangement should fill the space allowed.
If you are a newcomer, or would like advice or help, do not hesitate to contact the appropriate officer or the Show Secretary.
Helpful information explaining how exhibits are judged can be found in the following publications:
"The Horticultural Show Handbook" - the Royal Horticultural Society
"On With The Show" - National Federation of Women's Institutes
The association holds copies of these publications which can be consulted on request. Please contact the Show Secretary or a member of the committee.