Latest News!
14 June 2023
IMPORTANT - Change of venue and dates for events

Chichester Hall will be closed for refurbishment from mid-September to Christmas, so we have to change the venue and two of the dates for our events during that period.
The replacement venue for all three events is Grayswood Village Hall on Grayswood Village Green, opposite the Church of All Saints.
The new dates are:
Wednesday 4th October, evening - Autumn Bulbs talk
Thursday 12th October, afternoon - Alpine Colour talk (date unchanged)
Wednesday 15th October, evening - AGM and Fish & Chip Supper
Note that the two events that were previously on Tuesdays are now on Wednesdays.
Our 2023 Events Calendar has been updated, and reminders will be sent nearer the time.

27 January 2023
Membership Renewal - Thank You!
Thank you to all you Witley Gardening Association members that have renewed your membership for 2023 - we really appreciate it!
All membership packs have now been distributed. If you haven't yet renewed, or even started, your membership of WGA, and would like to join us, please email us at admin@witleygardening.org for details of how you can join. All the benefits of membership are listed on our "Membership" page above.
1 January 2023
Membership Renewal
As we move into 2023, it is time for us to invite you to renew your membership of Witley Gardening Association. To help give you even better value for money, we have increased the number of events considerably, and have a very good program for 2023. These events continue to be free for members to attend and are very well received, with your membership fees covering the costs of the speaker, hall hire and drinks. In addition, the discounts of up to 10% that we have negotiated for you with local businesses and garden centres can save you a considerable amount on your gardening costs.
You should have received an email today with details on how to renew your membership. Thank you for continuing to support Witley Gardening Association - your membership matters!

4 November 2022

2023 Programme
We are pleased to announce our 2023 programme of events! The extended schedule will bring you more talks than ever before! You can find the new 2023 schedule now on the '2023 Events' page - where else!
The talk in March is our 'Celebrity' talk with Nick Bailey - garden designer and TV presenter. This talk will require advance registration for tickets as we expect it to be very popular. We'll send details nearer the date, but keep an eye on the 'Latest News' and 'Next Event' pages for more information.
3 September 2022

Bonus talk!
We are delighted to announce that we have a bonus talk lined up for you in October! The talk is titled "The Fascinating and Secret Life of the Mole", and should indeed be fascinating! The talk will be presented by Chris Stewart, a member of the Guild of British Molecatchers and The British Traditional Molecatchers Register. Chris will cover all aspects of this amazing and interesting creature.
The talk will be on Tuesday 18 October - doors open at 7:00pm for a 7:30pm start. Refreshments will be available - make sure you're there to catch up with fellow members for the last talk of 2022!
31 July 2022
Three events in September!
The month of September now brings you three events!
First, our postponed garden visit to Knowle Grange has been re-booked for Thursday 8th September! Please see the separate announcement (below) for details.
9 September 2022 - After careful consideration, the committee has decided that we should cancel the Autumn Show as a mark of respect for Her Majesty the Queen.
And finally, on Tuesday 27th September, we have a talk from Withypitts Dahlias presented by Richard Ramsay - as seen on Gardeners World! There will be a short AGM before the talk. The minutes for last year's AGM can be found on the 'Newsletters & AGM' menu. It all starts at 7pm (doors open from 6:45pm), so make sure you're on time for a glass of wine or soft drink.
More details of all these events can be found on the "Next Event" page.

31 July 2022
Garden Visit - New Date!

We are pleased to announce that our postponed joint garden visit with Milford Horticultural & Gardening Society has now been re-booked for Thursday 8th September at Knowle Grange, near Shere. Knowle Grange is part of the National Garden Scheme:
80 acres undulating landscape. 7 acre gardens. New features recently added. Small knot garden. Double herbaceous border. About seven various garden rooms with French, Japanese and English inspiration. A new clock tower garden.
For essential details, including how to book, see the "Garden Visit" page under the "Contact Us" menu.
20 May 2022
Flower Arranging Workshop
You are invited to a Flower Arranging workshop on the afternoon of Thursday 16th June at the Chichester Hall. Led by a professional florist and experienced teacher, there will be a demonstration of how to create two simple but beautiful arrangements, followed by the opportunity to recreate one of them yourself, with guidance and help on hand.
For more details and to book a place, see the "Next Event" menu tab.

16 May 2022

We now have a members' noticeboard! If you want to display a message on our noticeboard, please email us at our usual address with your message and how long you would like it to remain.
See the "Noticeboard" tab for our current notices!
27 April 2022
Success with Roses
Our next talk is "Success with Roses" on Wednesday 11 May with Catherine and David May from Seale Rose Nursery.
Please note that this talk is at 7:30pm, not in the afternoon as originally scheduled.
For more details, see the "Next Event" menu tab.

25 April 2022
Spring Show
The report on our successful Spring Show, and a selection of photos of the exhibits, can be found in the "Show Zone".